Direct download: KPXQAM-KoinoniaSEG3625638pm-10252011-112500.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41am EDT

The two main reasons why people stop exercising is time and boredom. Today we bring you good news! Take a listen and crack your pesonal code to getting healthy & stayin whole. Here's a hint....more is not better...better is better.

Direct download: KPXQAM-KoinoniaSEG3625638pm-10212011-112500.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:32am EDT

The most common question I am asked about weight loss..."What should I eat?" In this epidsode we get down to the truth. What does God have to say about what we should eat and why?

Direct download: KPXQAM-KoinoniaSEG3625638pm-10112011-112500.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm EDT

This week we talk about food! Everyone wants to know "What should I eat?". Before we talk about what to eat, we need to talk about how much to eat. Listen in to this weeks radio show to gain knowledge about how to stop counting calories and start living free.

Direct download: KPXQAM-KoinoniaSEG3625638pm-10042011-112500.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am EDT